Portable Planetarium Programs
WHAT''S UP. . .
What's up in the Sky - Fall 2018
The Evening Sky -

Four planets at sunset in a curved line across the sky. This is the plane of the planets, the ecliptic, and each planet is in one constellation of the Zodiac. From right to left (West to East) Venus is in Virgo Jupiter is in Libra, Saturn in Sagittarius and Mars is in Capricorn. The reddish star between Jupiter and Saturn is Antares, the red heart of Scorpio. Higher in the sky and to the right (North) of Venus are three stars in an arc, the handle of the Big Dipper. The pot lies below the handle. Follow the arc of the handle to the bright star, Arcturus, nearly overhead at sunset.
The Morning Sky -

Orion rises in the East before dawn. The three stars in the Orion's Belt point to Aldebaran, the red eye of Taurus the bull. Taurus's face is a "V" of stars starting at Aldebaran, pointing to the right.
To the left (North) of Orion, past the bright star Capella, is Cassiopeia, a zig-zag, lightning bolt or lazy "W". The North Star, Polaris, lies below Cassiopeia, by itself and marked on the image above. Point to Polaris and turn like a pole. The sky will appear to turn around Polaris because the Earth also points to Polaris, with its North Pole, and that's why the Sun and stars appear to rise and set - because the Earth is turning.
August 12 - 13 Perseid meteor shower peaks
See my blog of August 11, 2018 for information
What's up with Stargazing?
​College of Charleston Open Observatory
Observatory will be closed through 2016 for renovations to the Math & Science Building
Lowcountry Stargazers Club​
Brittlebank Park on the Ashley River in Charleston
Sunset until...?
Every Wednesday without an event at the Joe, weather permitting
Contact information to be provided
Getting Started with Stargazing
Where to Go
What to Buy
Computer Programs​
What's up in the News
What's up at Dome Education?
Dome Education's TED-Ed video
on YouTube!
A rare, spectacular total eclipse of the Sun